

This is Revolutionary!

Goals of The aXiom NetworkTM

100,000 Churches Flooding the Internet with the Gospel!

The Goal of The aXiom NetworkTM and its member Churches is to create a national (starting in the U.S.), and soon expand to an international network of 100,000 Churches and more that are committed to an online proclamation of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ by the end of 2022. Members will view the web as an inevitable and urgent opportunity to introduce the promise of Salvation to all who would naturally look online and specifically to Church websites, to fulfill the Great Commission and to live in loving obedience to Jesus Christ. We call this group The aXiom NetworkTM.

The 3 Keys to Successful Online Evangelism

The Tools Your Church Needs for Online Evangelism Success

Key 1:
Add “Road Swaps” &
Online Decision Card
to your Website
Key 2:
Time Tested, Biblically
Sound Follow-up

Key 3:
National, Online
Referral Network When
New Believer Isn’t Local

It’s Time

We are well aware of the obstacles, both natural and spiritual, that would hinder the greatest mobilization of Churches in history who are committed to the principle that the world should have 24/7 universal access to the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ.

“The aXiom Network has no illusions about the once lost throngs queuing up to the throne of grace someday as a result of our meager efforts. However, we do believe, whether many or few, every soul that finds the joy of forgiveness will be eternally thankful to the Church that made it possible!”

And, we especially appreciate the vision of Samuel E. Hill and others who founded The GideonsTM, who are very much our inspiration, who had a desire to place the Scriptures in every hotel room to be used by the Spirit to minister to those who find themselves, at critical times in their lives, in need of spiritual succor. Despite the odds of making a difference we doubt they ever entertained the notion that the millions of hours, generations of volunteers, tens of millions of dollars and the worldwide distribution of Bibles were ever “wasted” on the Gospel. As a result of their faith and vision, millions have found spiritual help.

Now, it’s time for a new generation to recast a similar vision and we hope you’ll be apart of it from the beginning.

And, we would not count ourselves as equals in our own willingness to trust God for the unimaginable. However, perhaps we do share these attributes: we simply see the urgent need and the timely opportunity. We earnestly hope you do too!

We also understand that the Web is where this and future generations will go for spiritual help and we believe the Church, at an absolute minimum, should be there waiting with the Gospel of Hope.

With more than 14,000,000 individuals (2012) going online weekly looking for spritual help of all kinds the odds of them finding salvation from the online ministry of Churches currently is slim indeed. How is it possible that the very people who represent Christ on earth fail to use the most ubiquitously available evangelistic tool in history for spreading the Gospel. With 100,000 Churches with the Gospel to point Seekers to Christ the odds increase considerably.
 Our desire is to help make it possible for Churches to be faithful to their Calling, be more effective at its Purpose (See Matthew 28:18-20) and trust the results to God. We sincerely hope you’ll join us and thousands of others who are committed to “Changing Hearts, Growing Churches, Transforming the Web”TM.
Join with us and 100,000 other Churches today to proclaim the Gospel. The world is waiting for you…
In His Name and for His Glory Alone,
Director, The aXiom NetworkTM
Ready to Get Started?